All-time Jailbreak tools for iOS versions up to iOS 13.5 -in brief

Scarlett Miller
7 min readMay 25, 2020


iOS 13 — iOS 13.5 Checkra1n jailbreak and unc0ver

Jailbreak tools

At the moment of writing this article, iOS 13.5 jailbreak can be achieved with Checkrain jailbreak and by Unc0ver jailbreak.

Checkra1n jailbreak is a lifetime jailbreak solution as it runs when an iDevice boot. Checkra1n jailbreak will be available with all the upcoming iOS versions. So iOS 13 jailbreak for A5 — A11 devices now available with Checkra1n and iOS 13.5 jailbreak also available with this approach.

Unc0ver Jailbreak plays a huge roll in this jailbreak sector as well. You can do both online and computer based jailbreak process with unc0ver now.

However if your device not supported for Checkra1n there are few online methods available for install jailbreak apps, tweaks to your iDevice. You can try with TweakMo third-party app installation, TaigOne jailbreak installer, or Rudoxy code extraction method. For all of these methods no need of PC, Apple ID, or password.

iOS 12.4/ iOS 12.4.1/ iOS 12.4.2/ iOS 12.4.3

Checkra1n jailbreak released for all the versions from iOS 12.3 and above for jailbreak on A5 — A11 devices. So iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.3 jailbreak now can be achieved with Checkra1n jailbreak. Install Checkra1n jailbreak for jailbreak iOS 12.4 versions. Unc0ver jailbreak released for iOS 12.4 jailbreak with support A12 devices while Chimera jailbreak released for iOS 12.4 jailbreak with support A7 — A11 devices. Unc0ver for iOS 12.4.1 with A12 support will be available soon. Until then Unc0ver and Chimera jailbreak tools can be installed easily with online method.

By the way you can install jailbreak tweaks and jailbreak apps from jailbreak alternatives as I have mentioned earlier by TaigOne, TweakMo, Silzee, Rudoxy etc. Try these jailbreak alternatives free from iOS 12.4 jailbreak.

Checkra1n jailbreak

Checkra1n Jailbreak

Checkra1n jailbreak released with Cydia package manager installation all the way of iOS 12.3 and all the above versions. iPhone 5s — iPhone X users now can be jailbroken with Checkra1n. Supports A5 — A11 devices.

Unc0ver jailbreak

unc0ver Jailbreak

For now Unc0ver jailbreak with Cydia installation supports iOS 12.4 version. Supports all devices on A7 — A12/ A12X. iOS 12.4.1 will be available soon with A12 support.

Chimera Jailbreak

Chimera jailbreak

At the moment Chimera jailbreak with Sileo installation for jailbreak iOS 12.4 supports A7 — A11 devices. But A12 and A12X support not available.

rootless Jailbreak

Also rootlessJB12.4 released for iOS 12.4 versions. It supports all A7 — A11 devices and installs Filza and iSuperSU.

iOS 12.3 / iOS 12.3.1 / iOS 12.3.2

Checkra1n jailbreak

Checkra1n jailbreak released with Cydia package manager installation. This tool is the first tool achieved jailbreak for iOS 12.3 running devices. But for now it is available for Mac users only. Supports all the way of iOS 12.3 and above versions running on A5 — A11. iPhone 5s — iPhone X devices now can be jailbroken with Checkra1n. If your device not compatible with Checkra1n tool, don’t worry you can try our online solutions with third party app stores to achieve jailbreak iOS 12.3.

iOS 12 — iOS 12.2

Unc0ver jailbreak released with full-fledged upto A12 devices while Chimera supports upto A11 devices. Also rootlessJB also available at the moment. You can easily jailbreak your iDevice by installing Unc0ver or Chimera using online jailbreak method without traditional IPA method. Simply you can try with early spoken online methods. Jailbreak guides are listed out in these product pages.

Unc0ver jailbreak

For now Unc0ver jailbreak with Cydia installation supports iOS 12 — iOS 12.2 and iOS 12.4 versions excluding iOS 12.3 and iOS 12.3.1. Supports all devices on A7 — A12/ A12X.

Chimera Jailbreak

At the moment Chimera jailbreak with Sileo installation supports A7 — A11 devices. Also A12 and A12X support not available. Electra team announced,

  • Only Nonce setter available on 12.1.2–12.3 and 12.4 on A12
  • iOS 12.1.3 — iOS 12.3 and iOS 12.4 only supported on A7 — A11 devices. All devices supported on iOS 12.0 — iOS 12.1.2
  • Some iOS 12.3 betas are compatible with Chimera. (Beta 6 is not compatible)

Rootless Jailbreak

At latest rootlessJB12.4 released for iOS 12 — iOS 12.2 and iOS 12.4 versions. It supports all A7 — A11 devices and installs Filza and iSuperSU.

iOS 11 — iOS 11.4.1

Jailbreak iOS 11 — iOS 11.4.1 is available with Electra and Unc0ver tools. LiberiOS tool also available for iOS 11 — iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak. You can jailbreak your iPhone or iPad using LiberiOS, Electra or LiberiOS online method.

Electra Jailbreak

Electra Jailbreak

This jailbreak is based on tfp0 exploit of Ian Beer. Electra is a semi-untethered jailbreak. It supports all 64-bit devices. Installs Cydia package manager and you can download and install compatible jailbreak apps and Cydia tweaks.

Unc0ver Jailbreak

This tool also released for iOS 11 versions jailbreak and it installs Cydia package manager. This is more stable than the Electra jailbreak and fixed the quick battery drain issue and some other issues came up with Electra.

LiberiOS Jailbreak

Released for iOS 11 — iOS 11.1.2 versions. This tool supports all 64-bit devices. This is a semi-untethered jailbreak tool which requires a PC for the jailbreak and you have to re-jailbreak every time the device reboots.

Except IPA based method for these jailbreak tools you can simply go with online jailbreak solution as per above instructions.

iOS 10 — iOS 10.3.3 / iOS 10.3.4

iOS 10 — iOS 10.3.3 jailbreak tool has been released for all 32-bit devices. H3lix is a semi-untethered jailbreak tool created by tihmstar and siguza. You can install h3lix jailbreak using TweakMo in few easy steps without a computer. There are other jailbreak tools also available, It’s G0blin and Meridian. They released for all 64 devices running on iOS 10.3.3 only.

H3lix Jailbreak

Supports for all 32-bit devices running on iOS 10 — iOS 10.3.3 versions. This jailbreak tool provides semi-untethered jailbreak. It means that you need to run jailbreak app after every reboot of your iDevice.

G0blin Jailbreak

Supports for all 64-bit devices running iOS 10 — iOS 10.3.3 devices only. G0blin is semi-untethered jailbreak tool.

Meridian Jailbreak

Supports for all 64-bit devices running iOS 10.3.3 version only. Also support for all iOS 10 versions. This is also a semi-untethered jailbreak. Cydia is available with this tool.

DoubleH3lix Jailbreak

Supports all 64-bit devices running up to iOS 10.3.3–10.3.4 devices. This jailbreak tool also semi-untethered.

iOS 10.0.1 — iOS 10.2

You can jailbreak your iDevice running iOS 10.0.1 — iOS 10.2 using the yalu102 IPA. Yalu jailbreak will automatically install Cydia on your iPhone or iPad on the process. Install TweakMo and find the Yalu iOS 10.2 jailbreak under the Jailbreak Apps category. You can jailbreak the supported devices using yalu 102 of TweakMo.

Also there are several jailbreak tools available for jailbreak iOS 10.0.1 — iOS 10.2.

Double H3lix Jailbreak

This tool supports 64-bit devices running on iOS 10 and up to iOS 10.3.3 versions. Installs Cydia package manager.

Saigon Jailbreak

This tool also supports 64-bit devices running iOS 10.2.1.

H3lix Jailbreak

This tool supports 32-bit devices only. Also H3lix jailbreak is a semi-untethered jailbreak. Now it supports iOS 10 — iOS 10.3.3 versions and installs Cydia package manager.

Houdini Semi Jailbreak

This tool supports 64-bit devices excluding iPhone X. All the iOS 10 versions up to iOS 10.3.2 including iOS 10.2.1 and iOS 10.2 versions are supported with Houdini Semi jailbreak.

Meridian Jailbreak

Meridian jailbreak supports all iOS 10 versions including iOS 10.2.1 and iOS 10.2 with 64-bit iOS devices. Installs Cydia package manager.

iOS 9–iOS 9.3.3

Phoenix Jailbreak

Phoenix jailbreak is the iOS 9 Cydia provider, working on all iOS 9 32-bit devices. It is a semi-untethered jailbreak, and it is safe to use.

Pangu Jailbreak

Pangu is a jailbreak tool released in October 2015 to jailbreak iOS 9, iOS 9.0.1, and iOS 9.0.2.

iOS 8

TaiG Jailbreak

TaiG for iOS 8 was first released on November 29, 2014. Developed by the TaiG team, this jailbreak came roughly a month after Pangu released the first jailbreak for iOS 8.

PP Jailbreak

PP jailbreak is a jailbreak tool from a Chinese team of hackers. This tool was the only jailbreak tool for iOS 8.1.2 on Mac. It is also available for iOS 8.4 on Windows.



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